doi: 10.17586/2226-1494-2021-21-4-525-534

An automata-based programming engine

D. V. Dagaev

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Article in Russian

For citation:
Dagaev D.V. An automata-based programming engine. Scientific and Technical Journal of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics, 2021, vol. 21, no. 4, pp. 525–534 (in Russian). doi: 10.17586/2226-1494-2021-21-4-525-534

Automata-based programming considers program systems construction as finite state machines that demonstrate state-based behavior. This paper analyzes approaches to data structures and their realization in different programming paradigms. The requirements for automata style implementations are estimated for actual tasks. It is shown that automata-based algorithms need approaches beyond the standard object-oriented inheritance and polymorphism. The Liskov substitution principle is considered as an implementation base instead them. Data-oriented programming approach and in particular data and code separation form the backbone of the engine. The work describes the automata data structure and code-data interaction. The dynamically loaded modules and representations of data, code and schemes provide the main building blocks. Automata-based programming engine conception is introduced to clue all above. This engine supports distributed systems referencing. In order to implement an automata-based programming engine, the pilot project has to meet a set of requirements, including modular programming support, extended metadata availability and code-free read-only data access. Oberon/Component Pascal programming language is therefore chosen, along with a BlackBox Component Builder graphical environment. Automata-based programming engine prototype is implemented as Abpe subsystem for BlackBox. Several example automata-based modules demonstrate functional interacting programs.

Keywords: automata-based programming, data-oriented programming, Liskov substitution principle, Oberon, Component Pascal

Acknowledgements. The study was implemented within the framework of “Informatika-21” (a non-commercial project to promulgate scientific rationality for IT education).

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